David Gibbs

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David Gibbs

Based in southwest England, David had been a lifelong naturalist and worked as a freelance survey entomologist for more than 35 years. While working predominantly on Hymenoptera (Bees and Wasps) and Diptera (True Flies – especially Beeflies and Pipunculidae) he has taken a deep interest in most other insect groups as well as birds and plants, travelling the length and breadth of Britain and Ireland in search of them. Outside these islands David has travelled extensively, often focused on birds but always taking an interest in all aspects of the fauna and flora. He has visited most countries around the Mediterranean as well as trips to Scandinavia and Poland. Further afield, David has visited most continents with several trips to the Americas, Africa and especially South Asia and Australasia. After an extended trip to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea he contributed to the filming of Birds of Paradise in Halmahera and West Papua, returning to the area many times in search of birds, butterflies and orchids. On a trip to the Solomon Islands, David rediscovered several birds not seen for many decades and feared possibly extinct, as well as finding a species new for science. More recently, while birds have often been the focus of his trips, mammals, herptiles, flora and lepidoptera have become more predominant, notably in Vietnam, Northern India, Madagascar, Sichuan, Colombia and South Africa.

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