Wildlife Holidays in Hungary

Tell me about Hungary …
Hungary is a fascinating, land-locked country at the heart of central Europe, nestling in the Carpathian basin. In contrast to the dramatic revolutions in Romania and East Germany, the transition in the late 1980s from the liberal Hungarian blend of communism, the so-called Goulash Communism, to today’s free democratic state was so peaceful and trouble-free that it went almost unnoticed. As a result Hungary is now one of the most prosperous and stable countries in the region.
Hungary is a land of rich scenic contrasts, from the distant horizons of the great Hungarian steppe, to the woodlands of the Bukk and Buda Hills, foothills of the Carpathian Mountain range that sweeps across central and eastern Europe
Speak with our Hungary specialist

Our Specialist Recommends
"Join our ‘Hungary in Summer’ tour for a general wildlife holiday where we search for the birds, butterflies, dragonflies and plants. For something a little more specialist then perhaps our ‘Hungary’s Bats, Mammals & Other Wildlife’ holiday is for you."
Operations Manager - Paul StanburyNaturetrek Tours to Hungary
Naturetrek offers a range of wildlife holidays and natural history tours to Hungary. Our choice of tours includes spring bird watching in the Aggtelek National Park, a holiday looking for a wide variety of butterflies in north-eastern Hungary, an exploration of the birds, butterflies, dragonflies and plants in the Bukk and Hortobagy National Parks, and an autumn bird watching holiday focusing on the migration of Common Cranes, together with wildfowl, raptors and Great Bustards.
Whats special about the wildlife?
Hungarys varied habitats, much of which are still tended and farmed using wildlife friendly techniques, are home to a wonderful range of plant and animal life, all easily accessible within an excellent network of national parks.
Its birds, butterflies and rich flora are of particular interest.
What might I see?
- Special birds such as Ural Owl, Imperial Eagle, Great Bustard, White-backed Woodpecker & Aquatic Warbler
- One of the continents most impressive wildlife spectacles – the sight & sound of tens of thousands of Cranes flying to their autumnal roosts
- There are 200 butterfly species on record for Hungary – more than three times the number found in the UK
- The Hungarian wines are rather good, too!