Wildlife Holidays in Mallorca

Tell me about Mallorca …
Mallorca, surprisingly, is one of the most remote islands in the Mediterranean, and is over 160km from the nearest mainland coast. It has a range of high mountains, the fourth largest maquis in the western Mediterranean, and garrigue vegetation. The appeal for the naturalist is the proximity of its very varied habitats, enabling all of them to be covered from a single base!
Speak with our Mallorca specialist

Our Specialist Recommends
"Our ‘Spring Birding in Mallorca’ holiday visits the island’s finest sites for an 8-day birdwatching tour. It is a great spot for migrants and home to the rare Black Vulture. The Formentor Peninsula is a great location to search for the newly arrived Eleonora’s Falcons."
Operations Manager - Dan LayNaturetrek Tours to Mallorca
We offer an 8-day bird watching tour of Mallorca’s finest sites, concentrating mainly on the spectacular north-east.
What’s special about the wildlife?
Mallorca lies along one of the major bird migration routes across the Mediterranean and, due to its comparative isolation, is home to a number of rare species such as Black Vulture & Eleonora’s Falcon.
It is home to over 30 endemic species of plant, including a relict from the ice ages, Hypericum balearicum.
What birds might I see?
- We’ll explore the Boquer Valley which attracts raptors, Hoopoes, shrikes, wheatears & warblers during migration
- The Parc Naturel de S’Albufera provides a wealth of insect-life for passing terns, Bee-eaters, hirundines & warblers
- We’ll look for Purple Gallinules, Black Vultures, Booted Eagle, Blue Rock Thrush and Marmora’s Warbler, among many other species
In a nutshell …
This is a comfortable and relaxing holiday, very suitable for the less-experienced birdwatcher or beginner. There is an exceptional range of southern European birds to be seen on this beautiful island.