Wildlife Holidays in Egypt

Wildlife Holidays in Egypt
Tell me about Egypt …
Egypt is a special place. Nurtured by the life-giving waters of the river, one of the greatest civilisations ever to inhabit the earth developed along the Nile Valley.
Countless temples, pyramids and artefacts – today numbered among the greatest historical sites in the world – resulted from Egypt’s phenomenal six thousand years of recorded history.
Egypt offers one of the most exciting destinations for bird watchers with an appreciation of the past.
Speak with our Egypt specialist
Operations Manager

Our Egypt Specialist Recommends
"Our ‘Egypt – Birds & History’ tour is the perfect holiday for someone wishing to combine both historical and ornithological interests. This is a 14-day journey to the southern Sahara Desert and along the River Nile."
Operations Manager - Alison SteelEgypt Information
What’s special about its bird life?
- Three continents exert their respective influences to form Egypt’s remarkably diverse avifauna
- The country’s bird life is enriched & enhanced by the seasonal movements of migrants using the country as a staging post for longer journeys, as Egypt enjoys a prime position on the avian migration route between Africa & Europe
Naturetrek’s wildlife tour to Egypt:
- Combines the major sites of both archaeological & ornithological interest
- Visits the Sinai Desert & River Nile
- Goes to major archaeological sites including Luxor, the Pyramids & Sphinx
- We search for special Western Palearctic & African birds
What special birds might I see?
- We search for species such as Painted Snipe, Senegal Coucal & White-breasted Kingfisher in marshy areas
- Around Luxor, an afternoon on Crocodile Island can produce species such as Senegal Thick-knee, Purple Gallinule & Nile Valley Sunbird among many others
- An exploration of Lake Nasser & its surrounds should add many waterbirds to our finds, as well as Palearctic migrants