
The Kingdom of Cambodia is a country in south-east Asia bordered by Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, lying entirely within the tropics. It is best known for its remarkable temple complex of Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is on just about everybody’s “bucket list.” It should, however, be equally well known for an extraordinary array of exciting wildlife, much of which is extremely rare, and for gloriously rich and scenic forests and wetlands. This country truly is a thrilling, up and coming destination for ecotourists, as well as those who enjoy novel cultures and breathtaking architectural marvels.
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We run one tour to Cambodia, which takes in all the best wildlife highlights of this amazing country over 17 days.
Operations Manager - Tom MabbettWhat’s Special about its Wildlife?
Besides a typically high tropical biodiversity, Cambodia boasts a remarkable number of endangered animals and birds. Species such as Giant and White-shouldered Ibis are almost impossible to see elsewhere, while Bengal Florican, Milky Stork and the trio of endangered Asian vultures – Red-headed, White-rumped and Slender-billed – are found in encouraging numbers. In the forests of the south there are treasures such as Asian Elephants and a suite of exciting primates.