Kerrie Porteous – Web, Media & Sustainability

Kerrie first joined Naturetrek in 2012 and worked as an Operations Manager for just over a decade, looking after a highly varied portfolio of holidays from Madagascar to Mexico and from Sweden to the Seychelles! After a short break to focus on her young family, Kerrie returned to Naturetrek to join our Marketing and Website team and to drive forward the many exciting sustainability and carbon-reduction projects that we have underway. Over the years, Kerrie has co-led many of our tours and carried out recces in new tour destinations, and you have probably spotted her giving a talk or hosting one of our popular online roadshow evenings. Away from the office, Kerrie can usually be found singing, sewing or swimming in a lake on a cold winter’s day… when she isn’t running around after her two gorgeous girls! 

Life Before Naturetrek

Kerrie graduated with a BSc in Biology and an MSc in Sustainability and promptly set off to spend three months living in the forests of Madagascar, fulfilling a long-held dream to explore this unique island and its fascinating wildlife. Kerrie then spent the first part of her career in the world of environmental consultancy before making the big move ‘down south’ to join the Naturetrek team in Hampshire. Summer trips as a child to visit her Swiss grandparents instilled a keen interest in alpine botany from an early age, and the Swiss Alps in late June remain to this day Kerrie’s favourite place on the planet!


Listen to Kerrie speak about...

Madagascar's Endemic Wildlife

Highlights of the Swiss Alps

Wildlife of the Seychelles

Kerrie's Travel Gallery