Ben Lucking

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Ben was born in Beverley, UK, though moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) at the age of 4. Having been introduced to birding through his grandfather on visits to RSPB reserves in England, Ben began birding around the age of 6. While in high school, Ben had the opportunity to volunteer at a Nature’s Valley Trust, a South African conservation organisation, where he helped with bird counts and ringing. Though he read Law at the University of Exeter, Ben continued birding constantly! Even the legal studies quickly became about birds, with him choosing to focus on environmental law – indeed, his final dissertation explored the legality of large-scale Ring-necked Pheasant releases in the UK.

During university, Ben’s passion for bird photography blossomed, with his photos appearing on the cover of British Birds, as well as in Birdwatching magazine, Handboek Europese Vogels, and other publications. After graduating university in the UK, Ben returned to the United States where he began to pursue birding more professionally. Having learned the birds of the Andes through trips to Ecuador, Colombia and Perú, he was able to spend time bird guiding in Ecuador. Here he guided his first international birding tours and spent time stationed as a guide at Cabañas San Isidro on Ecuador’s east Andean slope.

Ben is also heavily involved in the local birding community in Michigan through presentations and trip leading for the Washtenaw Audubon Society where he has shared his birding travels and photos. He has also appeared on the Naturally Adventurous podcast to discuss his birding and travel in Perú. He is enthusiastic and passionate about nature and wildlife and enjoys nothing more than sharing his experiences and knowledge with others!