Dave Smallshire

Dave was an agri-environment adviser to farmers and the government before taking early retirement in December 2006. He has been an avid birdwatcher for over 50 years, travelling extensively in Europe and Africa, with visits to several parts of North America and Asia. Although a competent all-round naturalist, his early career as an agricultural entomologist led him to an interest in butterflies and dragonflies some 40 years ago. The latter have become a major interest and led to a long association with the British Dragonfly Society. He has led countless dragonfly training events, which resulted in him co-authoring the highly-acclaimed field guide, 'Britain's Dragonflies'. He has pioneered dragonfly watching holidays to countries such as Bulgaria, South Africa, Costa Rica, Brazil and Sri Lanka. He is heavily engaged in bird, dragonfly and other ecological surveys and conservation in Devon, where he has lived for over 30 years, but above all else, he loves to find and show people wildlife, preferably in exotic places.