Duncan McNiven

A native of Manchester, after graduating with a Zoology degree Duncan taught Biology in Norfolk, wardened the seabird colonies on the Farne Islands and worked as an expedition ornithologist for a number of American universities in Papua New Guinea, Surinam and Cameroon. His study species included birds-of-paradise, bowerbirds, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Capuchinbird and Black-bellied Seedcracker amongst others. During an expedition to Cameroon, he rediscovered a species that had been 'lost' for almost 50 years - the Mt Kupé Bush-shrike. After travelling the world for several years, he worked in the RSPB's Species Protection Unit as Senior Investigations Officer where he campaigned to end the wild bird trade in Europe and investigated crimes against wild birds, especially raptors. After 25 years' service, Duncan left the RSPB to pursue other interests largely centred on enjoying nature both at home in Cambridgeshire and abroad. Duncan has enjoyed watching wildlife in over 50 countries around the world but gets a unique buzz from sharing his experiences of the natural world with others.