Emily Richens

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The Lake District, Scotland and southern France constituted many of Emily’s family holidays. Always by road, these trips inspired her taste for adventure (not to mention local foods) and love of exploring off-piste. Not one to stick to well-trodden paths, some of Emily’s most memorable wildlife encounters have been unexpected and often fleeting; from lekking Longhorn moths in a Hampshire woodland to a Common Dolphin mother and calf swimming right beside her whilst paddling on Scotland’s west coast!

Her Master’s research at Bristol University took her to South Africa where she spent 6 months in the bushveld tracking Dwarf Mongooses! Experiencing this lifestyle strengthened her love of the outdoors and skills in tracking wild animals. Her most memorable encounter occurred on her final day, when she witnessed a Serval attack on ‘her’ troop of mongooses!

Emily fell in love with the Scottish Highlands whilst working as a ranger and wildlife guide, where she covered everything from Black Grouse leks and finding Golden Eagle nests, to discussions about the legacy of the Highland Clearances and of course the importance of Scotch whisky!

Although passionate about wildlife, she has a drive to learn about every aspect of a place and to appreciate and understand the bigger picture.

Rowing plays a major part in Emily’s life outside of work, and she regularly trains for races.

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