Gary Powell

Gary Powell is Senior Reserves Manager for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC) and has been with the organisation since 2001. He is responsible for ARC's suite of nature reserves across the country and the staff that maintain and manage them. Being based in Dorset, where ARC have almost 40 reserves, has given him the perfect opportunity to develop a good understanding of the ecology of the extensive local heathlands and the distribution of reptiles and amphibians across them.
An experienced field herpetologist, Gary has also surveyed and monitored herpetofauna overseas including taking part in and leading volunteer expeditions to Guatemala. Obsessed with the idea of jungles and exotic locations since childhood, this allowed Gary to fully immerse himself in the diversity and rich wildlife of both the lowland forests of Peten and the highlands of the Alta Verapaz, working with species such as the Black-eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis moreletii), Fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper) and personal favourites the Speckled Racer (Drymobius margaritiferus) and Neotropical Blunt-headed Treesnake (Imantodes cenchoa). As well as observing and studying reptiles and amphibians Gary also takes great pleasure in helping and encouraging others to understand and appreciate these animals and their habitats.
Gary has also written many book reviews for publications such as the Herpetological Bulletin and BBC Wildlife.
Upcoming tours with Gary Powell...
23 Apr - 30 Apr 2025Availability: FullSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both