John Davis

Thanks to those ‘Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau ‘TV programmes of long ago… John’s early interest in the natural world involved the keen aspiration of becoming a marine biologist. His degree in zoology was however followed by the necessity of becoming a field botanist as his work opportunities all focussed on the survey and evaluation of sites for designation as County Wildlife Sites and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). These did at times entail coastal and riverine sites, but so much more and all-round natural history fieldwork kept him busy for years, mainly in SW Britain. This phase of his career culminated with working on the designations of large European and international convention sites (Natura 2000- SACs & SPA-RAMSARs).
During those years with the Nature Conservancy Council (and its successor bodies English Nature / Natural England) he also worked on protected species, particularly bats and for a while was chairman and trainer for the Dorset Bat Group. With his interests and experience encompassing habitats and their management he joined the staff of Butterfly Conservation and from the late 1990s established and developed the organisation’s series of nature reserves and management sites. Now working part-time as a consultant on conservation projects he is able to share with Naturetrek clients his enthusiasm for the natural world, together with knowledge and experience of travelling to see wildlife and habitats in many parts of the world