Nick Godden

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Nick has been an avid birdwatcher from a very young age. After spending 3 years at university in Cornwall, he moved to the north west of England where he now lives in Morecambe Bay. Nick works for the RSPB as a warden at Leighton Moss and Morecambe Bay nature reserve, where his work involves practical habitat management across a range of habitats, monitoring exciting species such as Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Bearded Tit, Avocets and a range of butterflies, and leading guided walks. He has also worked as a professional ornithologist around Great Britain from Wales to the English moorlands and the mountain tops of Wester Ross. Nick is also heavily involved with his local bird club, Lancaster and District Birdwatching Society, where amongst other tasks he organises the field trips programme and often leads field trips.

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