Stuart Taylor

Stuart Taylor was born in Nottingham and has been interested in birds and wildlife ever since he can remember. His first notebook entry was back on January 2nd 1978 with a sighting of 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the lake at Wollaton Park. He broadened his horizons (slowly) with trips to Attenborough Nature Reserve and further afield after joining the local birdwatching groups.
He became an outings organiser for the local member's group and held this position for about ten years before gain full-time employment for the RSPB. Stuart is currently Assistant Warden at Blacktoft sands and has just had his fifteen minutes of fame for finding a White-tailed Plover there. Prior to this, he has worked and birded in Speyside, Norfolk, Dorset, Mid Wales and even the Outer Hebrides.
Stuart's main interest is in birds, but he also knows about other forms off wildlife too. Whilst willing to look at rare birds, he loves to find his own birds and works a patch on a regular basis.
Many people have commented on his enthusiasm, cheery manner and sense of humour which brightens up the dullest of days.