Su Gough

Su has been leading Naturetrek holidays since 2002, concentrating mainly on botanical and general natural history ones in Europe. Su worked for the British Trust for Ornithology for 26 years as an ecologist, trainer and editor of their members’ publications. During that time, she wrote and narrated a series of more than 70 bird identification videos which are free to view on YouTube. She also wrote Birds of Brecks, a bird ID field guide published last year. In 2020, Su moved her focus and is now the Senior Media Officer for World Horse Welfare, an international charity based in Norfolk, which works across the full spectrum of the horse world to improve the horse-human partnership. Despite this mainly bird-centric career, she trained as a botanist and has a deep interest in all natural history, including insects, mammals and anything else!
Upcoming tours with Su Gough...
23 Jun - 03 Jul 2025Availability: Only 4 leftSharing:F Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both
07 Jun - 13 Jun 2025Availability: YesSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both
22 Jun - 22 Jun 2025Availability: Only 1 leftSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both
16 Aug - 16 Aug 2025Availability: Only 3 leftSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both
17 Aug - 17 Aug 2025Availability: YesSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both