Tyrone Ping
See upcoming tours

An initial hobby led Tyrone to a life-long fascination with reptiles and amphibians and becoming one of the country's leading field herpetology specialists, spending the last 15-years exploring southern Africa, photographing and documenting many of the country’s rarest and lesser-known species. Tyrone recently published the 'Field Guide To Snakes & Other Reptiles of KwaZulu-Natal' and 'A Field Guide To Snakes & Other Reptiles Of The Western Cape' with other field guides in preparation.
Upcoming tours with Tyrone Ping...
30 Nov - 15 Dec 2025Availability: Only 6 leftSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both
31 Oct - 13 Nov 2025Availability: Only 5 leftSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both
04 Nov - 17 Nov 2026Availability: Only 6 leftSharing:N/A Sharing is designed to help those who wish to pair up in order to avoid single occupancy surcharges. M = Male / F = Female / B = Both