Estonia – Steller's Eider & rafts of sea-ducks

Estonia is a delightful bird watching destination and has a great deal to offer at any season. However, one of prime objectives of our early April long-weekend in the country is to witness the gathering of Steller's Eiders off Saaremaa island, the largest of the myriad of islands which stud the Estonian coast.

Estonia's Coastline by Mati Kose

Steller’s Eiders:
Estonia is a delightful bird watching destination and has a great deal to offer at any season. However, one of prime objectives of our early April long-weekend in the country is to witness the gathering of Steller's Eiders off Saaremaa island, the largest of the myriad of islands which stud the Estonian coast. Fine telescope views were obtained of some 20 birds bobbing offshore and, while larger numbers could have been seen more distantly further along the coast, our group elected to study this conveniently located flock which contained several very handsome males.

Sea-duck are a feature of the Estonian coastline and, in addition to the Steller's Eiders, our group also enjoyed great views of Common Eider, 400 Great Scaup, and rafts of exquisite Long-tailed Duck along with Red-breasted Mergansers, Goosanders, Goldeneye and at least 7 Smew.

Wildfowl appear prominently on the trip lists for any visit to Estonia and during this long-weekend, roadside Whooper and Bewick's Swans, Greater White-fronted Goose and both Taiga and Tundra Bean Geese were admired feeding alongside Wigeon and Pintail.

Owls & woodpeckers:
Unfortunately the resident owls were not so obliging and, despite searching, neither Ural nor Pygmy Owl were heard, the latter perhaps suffering as a result of the exceptionally cold winter experienced throughout northern Europe.

The group fared rather better for woodpeckers, encountering Black, Grey-headed and White-backed Woodpeckers in their respective breeding areas.

Other bird life:
Elsewhere the group encountered Black Grouse, Common Cranes, Great Grey Shrike and Crested Tit whilst raptors were represented by Golden and White-tailed Eagles, Northern Harrier and Common Buzzard.

Full details of this entertaining early spring visit to Estonia can found on our tour page: Estonia in Early Spring