On Sunday 3rd April – in aid of the people of Ukraine – the staff at Naturetrek kept a list of all the bird, mammal and butterfly species they saw and heard over the course of the day. In total, we recorded 121 species of birds (plus a long-staying Black Swan), which ranged from a diminutive Firecrest to a magnificent White-tailed Eagle. In addition, we found four species of butterfly (it was a cold, albeit sunny, day) and 10 species of mammal. We hope you kept a record too and we would be very keen to learn if you recorded any species that we did not. A full list of our sightings is copied below, please do let us know of any additions to the list and we will publish a full country-wide tally soon.
The primary aim of the day, of course, was to raise funds in aid of the Ukrainian people affected by this terrible war. As of today (Tuesday 5th April), our ‘Just Giving’ page has received donations totalling £1,437 and we hope that will grow significantly over the coming week. If you would like to contribute, please click here.
Thank you!

- Canada Goose
- Brent Goose
- Mute Swan
- (Black Swan)
- Shelduck
- Mandarin Duck
- Shoveler
- Gadwall
- Wigeon
- Mallard
- Teal
- Pochard
- Tufted Duck
- Common Eider
- Goldeneye
- Red-breasted Merganser
- Red-legged Partridge
- Pheasant
- Fulmar
- Little Grebe
- Great Crested Grebe
- Grey Heron
- Little Egret
- Cattle Egret
- Shag
- Cormorant
- White-tailed Eagle
- Osprey
- Sparrowhawk
- Goshawk
- Marsh Harrier
- Red Kite
- Common Buzzard
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Oystercatcher
- Lapwing
- Golden Plover
- Grey Plover
- Ringed Plover
- Little Ringed Plover
- Curlew
- Black-tailed Godwit
- Bar-tailed Godwit
- Turnstone
- Knot
- Dunlin
- Common Snipe
- Jack Snipe
- Redshank
- Greenshank
- Spotted Redshank
- Green Sandpiper
- Black-headed Gull
- Mediterranean Gull
- Common Gull
- Great Black-backed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Lesser Black-backed Gull
- Sandwich Tern
- Common Guillemot
- Razorbill
- Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon)
- Stock Dove
- Wood Pigeon
- Collared Dove
- Tawny Owl
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Green Woodpecker
- Kingfisher
- Kestrel
- Peregrine Falcon
- Jay
- Magpie
- Jackdaw
- Rook
- Carrion Crow
- Raven
- Coal Tit
- Marsh Tit
- Blue Tit
- Great Tit
- Skylark
- Woodlark
- Swallow
- Long-tailed Tit
- Cetti's Warbler
- Chiffchaff
- Blackcap
- Dartford Warbler
- Goldcrest
- Firecrest
- Wren
- Nuthatch
- Treecreeper
- Starling
- Blackbird
- Fieldfare
- Redwing
- Song Thrush
- Mistle Thrush
- Robin
- Stonechat
- Northern Wheatear
- House Sparrow
- Dunnock
- Grey Wagtail
- Pied Wagtail
- Meadow Pipit
- Water Pipit
- Rock Pipit
- Chaffinch
- Brambling
- Bullfinch
- Greenfinch
- Linnet
- Lesser Redpoll
- Common Crossbill
- Goldfinch
- Siskin
- Yellowhammer
- Reed Bunting
- Brown Hare
- Brown Rat
- Common Shrew
- Grey Squirrel
- Roe Deer
- Badger
- Polecat - Dead
- Rabbit
- Bank Vole
- Muntjac
- Brimstone
- Speckled Wood
- Peacock
- Small Tortoiseshell