Highlights from our 2023 'Reptiles & Amphibians of Namibia' tour

Operations Manager & Tour Leader
24th February 2023
Over 60 reptile and amphibian species were enjoyed across Namibia's breathtaking scenery including Namaqua and Flapneck Chameleons, Web-footed Gecko, Peringuey's, Puff, Horned and Namaqua Dwarf Adders, Marbled Rubber Frog, Hoesch's Pygmy Toad, Rough Sand Frog, plus numerous little-known species including Kunene Shield Cobra, Namib Barking Gecko, Festive Gecko, Marais' Gecko, Dwarf Plated Lizard, and Western Sandveld Lizard. Our multi-national participants were likely the first Australian, Belgian, British and Dutch nationals to see many of these latter species. On Day 1 of the tour, the group also had the chance to photograph and learn about such exciting species as Black Mamba, Barred Spitting, Anchieta's and Cape Cobras, White-throated Monitor, and several others which had been rescued from homes in Windhoek and were being relocated.
Mammal highlights from the tour included Bat-eared Fox (a vixen with two months-old cubs being particularly memorable), Meerkat, (Angolan) Southern Giraffe, Black-faced Impala, Plains and Mountain Zebras, Chacma Baboon and several others. The excellent birdlife included the endemic Dune Lark, Pygmy Falcon, Augur Buzzard, Lappet-faced Vulture, Lanner Falcon, African Harrier-Hawk, Rüppell's Parrot, Damara Tern, Marabou Stork, Bokmakierie and a plethora of other exciting species.