Operations Manager David Phillips with Peregrine Falcon
Naturetrek Staff Member assists one of Hampshire's Peregrine Falcons!

Operations Manager
17th August 2020
It was whilst conducting a butterfly survey on a hillside near my home that I first met Doug Yelland, a local nature enthusiast and regular Naturetrek client. He had been monitoring and filming the nest of a pair of peregrines on an electricity pylon. At that point two downy chicks were just visible in the nest. As we studied the birds we talked about how the population of Peregrine Falcons had increased in Hampshire over the past few decades and how pylons had become a regular nesting place for peregrines in the area. Unfortunately, unlike birds that nest on churches and other tall buildings, those which nest on pylons do not tend to fare so well, with fewer chicks surviving to fledge.
On 16th July, three and a half weeks later, I was walking along the same hillside and once again Doug had his telescope trained on the nest but, as I approached, Doug said he was concerned as one of the chicks could not be seen and he felt it was early for it to have flown. After waiting a little longer and seeing no sign of the chick we decided to search the area around the base of pylon. The grass surrounding the legs of the pylon was long but as we approached we could just see the chick on the ground. It didn’t appear to be injured or in distress but neither did it make an attempt to fly away. At this point we decided to contact Keith Betton who is the bird recorder for Hampshire and who has a wealth of experience with peregrines. Keith advised us to return in the evening and attempt to encourage it to fly. If the bird was still on the ground at that point, and not flying, he said we should then try to feed it raw chicken and lift it onto one of the bars of the pylon out of reach of predators, such as foxes, and return the following day. This we did.

Peregrine Falcon (David Phillips)
Whilst this chick was being cared for in north Hampshire, its sibling was gaining strength and left the nest to take flights around the pylon, causing the resident crows and pigeons to scatter. Doug was able to continue his daily vigil and I joined him when I could.
Initial reports from the Hawk Conservancy were concerning; it seemed our bird had bruised wings and wasn’t flying, but gradually it seemed to pick up and by the end of July had made great progress and was flying around their aviary. By 4th August the bird was considered fit enough for release and Doug fetched her from the Hawk Conservancy. We were joined by Keith Betton for her release.
Keith carefully opened the box on its side to allow the bird to exit and, as it emerged, it took a brief look back at him before taking to the air with powerful wingbeats. The three of us were delighted to see her fly strongly up the valley and over the hill out of our sight. We later managed to locate it on a neighbouring pylon. Throughout the evening, and over the following week, the bird was monitored and contact with its family was observed.
At this point in a young falcon’s life it is vital that she receives the attention and help with hunting from adult birds and we hope our bird becomes part of the successful and growing population of Hampshire’s peregrines.