News in Brief: The Azores and Finland
Whales & Dolphins of the Azores (July 2024)
‘Our recent “Whales & Dolphins of the Azores” tour was a week of world-class whale-watching!’ says tour leader Sara Frost. ‘With daily boat trips out to sea from the verdant island of Pico, we had excellent encounters with Sei, Humpback and Sperm Whales, plus superb close-up views of Bottlenose, Atlantic Spotted and Common Dolphins as they bounded over to our boat each day (seemingly determined never to miss an opportunity to swim along with us!). Cory’s Shearwaters were on the water in their hundreds, frequently on the wing around our boat and, on one occasion, in a feeding frenzy with some Common Dolphins and a Humpback Whale, right in front of us! Other delights at sea included the timid Loggerhead Turtles, spritely flying fish and the formidable Portuguese Man O’War.
Exploring the island in the (mostly!) fantastic dazzling sunshine was a real treat, including a peaceful picnic lunch amongst the UNESCO World Heritage Site Vineyards with Atlantic Canaries flitting noisily between the dry stone walls, visiting our ‘Vigia’ (the on-land lookout) and a private wine tasting session with a sommelier. This, plus exploring a collapsed lava tube, ancient town ruins and a whaling museum, all deeply enhanced our understanding of the island’s rich culture and heritage. Furthermore, an evening sitting and listening to Cory’s Shearwaters returning to roost (you have to hear it to believe it!) was a marvellous way to finish the trip. Each day was rounded off with excited chatter over delicious local food and wine, perhaps after a swim in the hotel pool. The Azores are truly a wild gem of the Atlantic!’

Finland’s Mammals (July 2024)
‘Our two “Finland's Mammals” tours this year have finished to a resounding success!’ writes the tour manager, Tom Mabbett. ‘With a slightly tweaked and improved itinerary, including a new site for Finland's most beautiful little pearl, the Siberian Flying Squirrel, we enjoyed fantastic views of all the hoped-for targets over our two tours. Numerous, long-lasting, and sometimes up-close White-tailed Deer and Elk were observed, along with special views of the elusive Forest Reindeer – a rarity in this region! Wolverines once again put on a show for us, and in the remote Nomansland, we had excellent views of Wolf and Brown Bear, including a sighting which had the two species interacting with each other! The tour concluded at the beautiful Lake Saimaa, where Finland's only endemic mammal, the Saimaa Ringed Seal, can be found. Our second group enjoyed excellent views of an individual hauled out, and although the seals remained hidden for the first group, guests were treated to close views of a female and young Great Grey Owl!
Flexibility and the contacts of our guide Jan made it possible to see such an incredible range of wildlife on this holiday and we can't wait to be back for more next year!’