Whales & Dolphins of the Outer Hebrides

We are delighted to be able to offer a new short cruise departure to the north-west of Scotland in search of the whale and dolphin species that inhabit these waters each summer.

On this small and exclusive 5-night charter we will be travelling the strait between the Isle of Lewis, north Skye and the Scottish mainland in search of feeding and playful pods of dolphins or surfacing whales. Among the species that we hope to catch up with will be Short-beaked Common, Risso’s and Bottlenose Dolphins, Minke Whale, Harbour Porpoise and possibly Orca or Fin Whale, which have both been seen more frequently here over the last couple of summers.

We should also come across a wide range of other wildlife, including Basking Shark, Grey and Harbour Seal, Puffin, Gannet, Razorbill, White-tailed Eagle and Red-throated Diver, as well as a multitude of other seabirds and waders. During the cruise we will visit the Shiant Isles, Skye and the Summer Isles, each with their own dramatic landscapes and varying fauna.

Departure date: 5th – 11th July 2020

For further details please click here, or email Alison Steel on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Minke Whale


Bottlenose Dolphins


MV Monadhliath