Orcas on an Arctic Morning
I wake
warm in the bowels of the ship
The blue arctic dawn
peeps through the tiny porthole
Above me
my cabin mate stirs
I climb out of my bunk
warm layers on, eager to meet the day
On deck
the ship is already awake
A few keen watchers
spread out across the icy bow
They peer
into the half light
Scanning the rolling sea
looking for a tell-tale fluke or fin
Far away
we see the bobbing lights
Two small fishing boats
in search of an elusive herring shoal
Close up
The orcas surround the bulging nets
Sleek black and white bodies
glistening in the floodlights and froth
Then calm
Catch in, the orcas circle away
Dipping and diving through the swell
On this rosy arctic morning
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