Read about highlights from recent tours to Greece, Mull and the Isles of Scilly.

France might be the neighbour on our doorstep, but it is big step and an even bigger door. The Channel might be as little as twenty-one miles wide at its narrowest point, but it is a gulf, not just in language and culture, but also in what it offers as a wildlife destination.

Few would argue that encountering Mountain Gorillas is one of the world’s greatest experiences for the ecotourist, and Rwanda is an excellent and relatively convenient place to enjoy it.

To see a Gorilla in the wild is the privilege of a lifetime. Many people yearn for the opportunity, but only a few ever manage it. Happily, though, there are places in the world where it is possible to spend time watching Mountain Gorillas, the largest and most magnificent of these apes, and one of those is Uganda.

Read about highlights from recent tours to Scotland and East Yorkshire.