
A client travelled on our 'Botswana's Desert & Delta (Mammals)' tour and submitted this entry to our writing competition.

Elephant, Sri Lanka

A client travelled on our 'Sri Lanka's Elephants & other Wildlife' holiday and submitted this entry to our writing competition.

Atlantic Spotted Dolphins by George Reekie

Last September participants on our 'Dolphins & Whales of Madeira' tour enjoyed photographing these Atlantic Spotted Dolphins. These two were members of a pod bow-riding around our clients' boat for about 40 minutes! 

Great Bustard

A client travelled on our 'Wolf-watching in Spain' holiday and submitted this entry to our writing competition.

Primula calderiana, Rodong La, Bhutan

A client travelled on our 'Bhutan's Bumthang Valley' holiday and submitted this entry to our writing competition.