European migrants, plus desert and oasis specialities were among the many birds on tour leader Richard Bashford’s list at the start of our 'Birding Southern Morocco' tour in April …

As well as enjoying endemic and rare orchids on Sicily in April/May, botanist Jessica Turner was also impressed by the aerial acrobats of a Lanner Falcon – as it dipped into Etna’s cone!

A spring visit to the Greek island of Crete is a delight. Crete’s climate, terrain and enviable position in the southern Mediterranean have created an outstanding flora. There are over 1,600 species of flowering plant on the island, of which at least 139 are endemic.

In La Brenne and Vienne, there’s a wide range of very good quality wetland areas, which equates to high dragonfly diversity! You can hope to see upwards of about 40 species on the 8-day holiday (more species than are found in the whole of the UK).

There’s a bit of a buzz among dragonfly enthusiasts this week, as two Vagrant Emperors have been spotted in south-west England. Dave Smallshire has been monitoring their progress through Europe and can’t wait to get to Vienne, France on the 'Dragonflies of La Brenne & Vienne’ tour, where 10 have been seen …so far!