Tour Itinerary and Reports
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Latvia in Spring
Tour Code: LVA01An 8-day birdwatching holiday to the forests, wetlands and coastline of Latvia in search of woodpeckers, waders, owls and a host of other species.
- Enjoy the visible migration of warblers, shrikes, raptors & seaduck at Cape Kolka
- Two nights at Kemeri National Park, home to woodpeckers, Pygmy Owl & Greenish Warbler
- Spend three nights at the Lake Lubāns Wetland area in eastern Latvia
- Red-necked Grebe, Bluethroat, Citrine Wagtail and Booted Warbler
- Breeding Marsh Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper and Great Snipe
- Extend your tour with time exploring Latvia’s capital, Riga
Tour Itinerary and Reports
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Latvia lies between Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south and, in common with the other Baltic States, is relatively undeveloped, with extensive forests, wetlands and coastlines that are rich in birds. This tour first samples the spring migration at Cape Kolka, where many thousands of seaducks, raptors and passerines are funnelled into this narrow point of land before crossing the Gulf of Riga towards the Estonian island of Saaremaa. We then head to Kemeri National Park, where the wetlands host flocks of migrating marsh terns and waders, and the forests are home to woodpeckers. Travelling to the east of the country, we end the tour with a visit to the Lake Lubāns Wetland area, a ‘Natura 2000’ reserve home to Bluethroat, Citrine Wagtail, Booted Warbler and Red-necked Grebe. Those with additional time might like to extend the tour with a couple of nights in Latvia’s attractive capital city, Riga.
The small Baltic state of Latvia is sandwiched between Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south. Although less well known within birdwatching circles than its northern neighbour, Latvia is home to an equally fascinating mix of birds, mammals and other wildlife. Over half of its land area is still clothed in forest and more than a thousand lakes lie scattered over the east of the country. Along its Baltic coast, white sandy beaches, rocky headlands and wetlands provide vital refuelling stops for weary migrants tracking north and many of the summer visitors that breed here each year have a distinctly eastern flavour. Latvia is also blessed with one of the most attractive capital cities in Europe, and no holiday here is complete without a night or two in Riga and time spent exploring its medieval quarter.
Our tour begins with a flight to the Latvian capital of Riga from where we will head north-west to the migration hot spot of Cape Kolka for a 2-night stay. Waders, passerines and raptors travelling north along the Baltic coast are funnelled onto the cape and pause here before making the sea crossing over the Gulf of Riga and into Estonia. In common with all migration hot spots around the world, the weather at the time of our visit will be key to the variety and number of birds passing through; so, should we be blessed with a wind from the east or south-east, then the bushes around the small village of Kolka could be hopping with flycatchers, warblers and chats. Species to look out for in particular include Pied and Spotted Flycatcher, Scarlet Rosefinch, Blyth’s Reed Warbler, Wood Warbler, Thrush Nightingale, Red-backed Shrike, Whinchat, Golden Oriole and Wryneck. We will also keep an eye skyward, hoping for passing Honey Buzzards, Hobbies, Marsh Harriers and the occasional Pallid Harrier and Rough-legged Buzzard. Down at the cape itself we will be looking for migrating Black-throated Divers which, weather permitting, move through in large numbers at this time of year, plus lots of other smaller birds which gather at the tip whilst they pluck up the courage to leave the safe haven of Latvia’s coastline and head north out to sea.
Next, we will drive to Kemeri National Park for a 2-night stay. Here we will explore the reserve’s forests and parklands in search of Three-toed, Middle Spotted, Grey-headed and White-backed Woodpeckers, plus Wryneck, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Greenish Warbler — the latter two needing to keep a careful eye open for the resident Pygmy Owls that live nearby! We will also enjoy the adjacent reed-fringed lakes and ponds which attract mixed flocks of migrating marsh terns (Black, White-winged and Whiskered) and Little Gull.
We conclude our tour with a 3-night stay within the Lake Lubãns Wetland Area, based in a comfortable lakeside lodge. This ‘Natura 2000’ reserve protects 800 square kilometres of wetlands, abandoned and active fish-ponds, riverine and coniferous forests and wet meadows, and attracts a wonderful variety of birds and other wildlife throughout the year. Whooper Swans, White Storks, Red-necked Grebes and Wood Sandpipers are common and a couple of pairs of Marsh Sandpipers usually remain here during the summer to breed. The extensive reedbeds hold Little and Spotted Crakes, Bittern and Savi’s Warbler, whilst in the willows and bushes that edge the lagoons River, Grasshopper, Blyth’s Reed and Marsh Warblers should all be in song and both Penduline Tit and Bluethroat (of the white-spotted race) are possible. Citrine Wagtail numbers have been on the increase in recent years, and there is also a chance of finding a Ural Owl in the nearby woodlands. Lesser Spotted and White-tailed Eagles are likely to be seen, as are Garganey, Black Stork, Great Egret, a variety of migrating waders, Barred Warbler and, with luck, perhaps one of the few Booted Warblers that breed here — a species at the western extremity of its range. There will also be an opportunity to visit a Great Snipe lek in the evening, although this does involve a walk of approximately a kilometre through a rough meadow. The evening is a good time to keep an eye open for Lake Lubãns’ mammals, with Elk (Moose), Mountain Hare or perhaps even a Raccoon Dog all possible. We would need to be very fortunate indeed, however, to see any trace of the Wolves or Lynx that also call this region home.
After an enjoyable birdwatching tour through the very best of Latvia’s forests and wetlands, we will return to Riga for our flight back to London. However, those of you with additional time to spare might like to spend a couple of extra nights in the capital in order to explore its medieval quarter and other cultural highlights. Please call for additional information and prices.
Outline Itinerary

What's Included?
- Flights
- Accommodation:
Comfortable hotels and guesthouses, all with private facilities.
- Food:
All meals are included in the price from lunch on Day 1 to breakfast on Day 8.
Tour Reports
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