Latvia in Spring

Tour Code: LVA01

An 8-day birdwatching holiday to the forests, wetlands and coastline of Latvia in search of woodpeckers, waders, owls and a host of other species.

We hope to run this tour in the future, but have not yet finalised dates and prices. To be added to a waiting list and be informed when details are confirmed, please click on the register interest button, or phone 01962 733051.
Register Interest


  • Enjoy the visible migration of warblers, shrikes, raptors & seaduck at Cape Kolka
  • Two nights at Kemeri National Park, home to woodpeckers, Pygmy Owl & Greenish Warbler
  • Spend three nights at the Lake Lubāns Wetland area in eastern Latvia
  • Red-necked Grebe, Bluethroat, Citrine Wagtail and Booted Warbler
  • Breeding Marsh Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper and Great Snipe 
  • Extend your tour with time exploring Latvia’s capital, Riga