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The Wild Side of Essex: Exploring the Colne Valley Path (Day Trip)
Tour Code: GBR335A day spent exploring the full range of wildlife to be found in the diverse habitats along the valley of the River Colne in Essex, a quintessentially English mixed agricultural landscape.
Tour Itinerary and Reports
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One of the shorter of the official long-distance footpaths, the Colne Valley Path follows the course of the Essex River Colne (there are several rivers of that name!) for some 40km, between the source (Great Yeldham) and the sea (Colchester). Join all-round naturalist Chris Gibson for a day exploring the middle reaches of the valley around the lovely little village of Chappel.
The circular walk starts along the river valley, occasionally crossing or walking alongside the river itself, past a series of old watermills. Kingfishers, Grey Wagtails, Grey Herons and Little Egrets are found by the channel, with in summer Small Teasel on the banks and clear flowing waters supporting a good range of dragonflies and damselflies, including very large numbers of Banded Demoiselle in midsummer.
The route then takes in Chalkney Wood, a large wood that was the site of the Forestry Commission’s first forays into the deconiferization of places damaged by previous ill-thought-out policies of planting conifers into ancient woodland sites. Nowadays, thirty years on, that ‘blip’ in its history is barely visible. In spring, the ancient woodland flowers (including Early Purple-orchid, Wood Anemone and Bluebell) have reasserted themselves among coppiced Hornbeam and Small-leaved Lime, and woodland birds can include Lesser-spotted Woodpecker among more widespread species. As summer progresses the expanding leaf canopy excludes many flowers, but Herb Paris and Violet Helleborine can sometimes be found in deep shade. At this time the rides, filled with light and flowers, attract a very good range of butterflies, including sometimes Purple Emperors, and other insects. And as the summer fades, the fungal season starts.
The walk ends with a chance to get up close to the iconic Chappel Viaduct, a vast structure that is by repute one of the largest brick-built structures in the country. Still standing and doing its job after more than 170 years, it is also close to the Swan Inn, chance for a very good meal and drink!
Carry your lunch, be prepared for mud especially after rainy spells (you may find a stick useful to cross any wetter patches) and always check for ticks after the walk. Other than that, look forward to a day filled with all kinds of everything in the Wild Side of the heart of Essex.
- One of the best Small-leaved Lime woods in the country
- Springtime ancient woodland flora including Bluebells
- Chance of Herb Paris and Violet Helleborine
- Kingfishers and Grey Wagtails by the river
- Midsummer butterflies (maybe Purple Emperor) and Odonata, including lots of Banded Demoiselles
- Rich diversity of insects in woodland rides
- Get up close to the magnificent Chappel Viaduct
- Gentle, unspoilt river valley landscape
Dates & Prices

Tour Leader: Chris Gibson
Chris is an experienced and enthusiastic all-round naturalist, based in Essex, though still a Yorkshireman at heart. He recently retired (early!) from a long career with Natural England, during which he worked on such varied projects as the notification of SSSIs in Essex, offshore wind developments and the issues surrounding the potential reintroduction of Eurasian Lynx to the UK. Although a conservationist by profession, and an ecologist by training, everything Chris have done has been linked to his life-long passion for natural history. In 2009 he was lucky enough to receive the David Bellamy Award of the British Naturalists’ Association, recognising ‘a naturalist of distinction’. He’s also written and co-written many books and articles. Now he has the time and opportunity to return to his roots as a naturalist, and to do what he does best – trying to enthuse others about the natural world.

Tour Leader: Chris Gibson
Chris is an experienced and enthusiastic all-round naturalist, based in Essex, though still a Yorkshireman at heart. He recently retired (early!) from a long career with Natural England, during which he worked on such varied projects as the notification of SSSIs in Essex, offshore wind developments and the issues surrounding the potential reintroduction of Eurasian Lynx to the UK. Although a conservationist by profession, and an ecologist by training, everything Chris have done has been linked to his life-long passion for natural history. In 2009 he was lucky enough to receive the David Bellamy Award of the British Naturalists’ Association, recognising ‘a naturalist of distinction’. He’s also written and co-written many books and articles. Now he has the time and opportunity to return to his roots as a naturalist, and to do what he does best – trying to enthuse others about the natural world.
Prefer to Travel in a Private Group?
For any interested natural history club or society, we can arrange for a private departure of this tour.
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