David Tattersfield

See upcoming tours
TL David Tattersfield

David graduated in Botany and went on to do research in upland ecology. During a career with the Nature Conservancy Council and as a horticulturist with the National Trust for Scotland, he gained an extensive knowledge of the world's mountain floras. He is an energetic, experienced field botanist and photographer, and his love of mountains and wilderness has taken him to five continents. Above all, he enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the natural world with others and has led trips for Naturetrek to a variety of destinations in Europe, north and south Africa and central Asia. Between tours David is based in Kirkmichael in highland Perthshire, where he works as a horticultural and ecological consultant and lectures on his travels.

Upcoming tours with David Tattersfield...

  • 20 May - 27 May 2025
    Availability: Yes


  • 25 Sep - 02 Oct 2024
    Availability: Yes


  • 10 Sep - 17 Sep 2024
    Availability: Yes


  • 17 Oct - 24 Oct 2024
    Availability: Yes


  • 25 Oct - 01 Nov 2024
    Availability: Only 6 left


  • 22 Aug - 04 Sep 2024
    Availability: Full
