Cornwall: Beavers, Choughs & Cetaceans

Operations Assistant
16th February 2022
During our inaugural tour last year, groups were treated to some excellent sightings of Choughs, as a pair was seen feeding a juvenile; Beavers were observed late in the evening and our boat trips comprised some memorable encounters with Risso’s Dolphins! In addition, a moth-trap revealed over 60 species on just one night and a host of rare wildflowers were discovered along the Lizard.
Based at an exquisite hotel on the outskirts of Falmouth, a short drive will find us at the southern tip of the Lizard, walking the picturesque coastline in search of Choughs who now breed here in good numbers and can often be seen gliding along the cliffs in small flocks. Offshore, Manx Shearwaters are abundant, and we could even be lucky enough to see pods of dolphins.
We will also enjoy a unique opportunity to spend a day at the Woodland Valley Reserve – which featured on the BBC’s ‘Springwatch’ last year – in order to learn about, and hopefully see, the Eurasian Beaver! Our walk around this reserve, led by an on-site ecologist, will provide a great insight into re-wilding, whilst finding an interesting array of butterflies, birds and wildflowers too.
Next, a privately chartered vessel will see us steaming out into the English Channel. Initially hugging the western coastline of the Lizard where we should see Peregrine Falcons, Shags and Grey Seals, we will then move out into the channel itself. Here, if we’re lucky, we have the chance of finding the likes of Minke Whale, Risso’s Dolphin, Short-beaked Common Dolphin, Bottlenose Dolphin and Ocean Sunfish, plus a variety of birds, including Manx and Balearic Shearwaters, European Storm Petrel and Fulmar.
The tour offers those participants not wishing to drive to Cornwall the option of taking the train and being picked up at nearby Falmouth station by your leader. We aim to cover and explore many of the excellent habitats found in this wonderful county, which will no doubt throw up many exciting surprises!Book Now For 2022