Peter Dunn. 1955 – 2020. Fondly remembered by all who knew him.

News of potential widespread vaccination by spring 2021 has certainly livened things up at Naturetrek during November. Enquiries and bookings have started to arrive in ever-increasing numbers and there’s a general mood of positivity around the travel industry. Click for news of a special offer for bookings for 2021 and 2022!

In early March, just before the lockdown closed in, an intrepid Naturetrek group ventured into the vast forests of the Russian Far East on our inaugural ‘Realm of the Siberian Tiger’ tour.

It is with profound sadness that we must report here the passing of our wonderful friend, colleague and Naturetrek stalwart of the past 20 years, Peter Dunn. Peter passed away peacefully on 15th May in his home town of Scarborough, following a spell in hospital.

In January, we operated our first ‘On the Trail of the Jocotoco Antpitta’ tour in Ecuador, although the tour almost didn’t get away due to Storm Ciara (which now seems a very long time ago!).