It has been so wonderful to have been positive and proactive again and to have put a smile on so many people’s faces with our wonderful new Day Tours. Here we share the latest updates.

In May 2020 Naturetrek’s general manager, Andy Tucker, interviewed Rob Smith – an ex-Naturetrek member of staff who previously set up our thriving Tailormade division and has since moved to Colombia to start a birding and wildlife operation

Paul popped into our offices at Mingledown Barn back in December 2014, the same week that we moved office (in fact I nearly missed his initial contact email, which came through when our internet was offline!).

A tranquil 5-day holiday on the British Channel Island of Jersey, staying at a fabulous beachside spa hotel, at a wonderful time of the year to be on the island.

Not one of the Peak District Day Trip group, nor their leader, thought they would see a Lammergeier in the UK when they set out on 14th July... but that they did!