This new monthly feature will shine the spotlight on some of our regular tour leaders. Kicking us off this month is an interview with David Tattersfield, one of our most experienced and popular botanical leaders who has been guiding tours for us for 20 years.

Read about highlights from recent tours to the Maldives, Antarctica, Japan, Siberia, Spain, Sri Lanka, India and the USA…

On a Naturetrek wildlife cruise, we charter the whole vessel, ensuring you travel with like-minded wildlife enthusiasts and are guided by expert naturalists. Here are some of our favourites!

Many thanks to everyone who entered our 2018 Writing Competition. The writing was of an extremely high standard and we thoroughly enjoyed reading your articles about experiences on Naturetrek holidays; some were very recent, and some were taken a long time ago but remained perfectly fresh in your memories!

An entry to our 2019 Writing Competition, Kate Rattray travelled on our 'Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands' tour.