This is a wonderful summer’s day out packed with gardening inspiration, stunning floral displays and workshops in a majestic setting. We will be exhibiting here for the first time. Come and meet our team on stand 858.

Read about highlights from recent tours to Uzbekistan, Guatemala, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Spain, Scotland and England …

For the last 33 years Naturetrek have being offering the chance to visit some of Europe’s last remaining wildlife havens with world-class guides and like-minded individuals. However, for those who prefer not to travel as part of a group, Tailormade travel offers a wealth of opportunity!

Peter Dunn, one of our longest-standing tour leaders, has led tours for us for over 18 years, both in far-flung corners of the globe  – from the Antarctic, Spitsbergen, North and Central America and the Caribbean – to closer to home in remote regions of Iceland, Spain, Poland and Hungary (just to name a few!)

As Naturetrek’s representative, I was pleased to accept the invitation from Butterfly Conservation to attend a guided visit to a reintroduction site in north-east Hampshire for this scarce and beautiful UK butterfly.