If you´re planning to join a Naturetrek tour to southern Spain or Morocco, there´s a good chance you´ll run into our leaders Simon Tonkin and Niki Williamson.

We are very pleased to announce that we have been nominated for the ‘Best Safari, Wildlife & Nature Holiday Company’ award at this year's British Travel Awards. This is the UK’s largest and most prestigious travel award programme, with the winners chosen entirely by public vote.

We asked some of the team at HQ for their top tips for more sustainable travel…

The Rio Grande Valley lies in the warm south-eastern corner of the United States, where Texas meets Mexico. The Lower Valley has a climate that basks within a whisker of tropical status, so not surprisingly it attracts all types of ‘snowbirds’ escaping the winter further north.

While the Tiger population is thankfully rising across the country, the national parks of Central India – Tadoba, Pench, Kanha and Bandhavgarh – remain the most productive for sightings. We focus on these reserves, often with great rewards; last year, 12 tours achieved around 100 Tiger sightings in total!