We are delighted to be able to offer a new Papua New Guinea group tour that includes the highland interior as well as New Britain Island.

We are excited to bring you a newly improved Poland in Winter itinerary for 2020 that takes in both the Bialowieza Forest and the Biebrza Marshes.

During the long, dark nights of the northern winter, few memories sparkle so brightly as those from the days with a backdrop of sunlit wildflowers. And what better way to make those memories than to take a botanical holiday?

According to members of the consumer champion 'Which?', Naturetrek is one of the UK’s best tour operators. We are delighted to be listed!

There is no more iconic wildlife holiday than an African safari. The very word “safari” conjures a certain image: grassland dotted with Acacias, over which Giraffes graze and under which antelopes run, while the great predators such as Lions and Leopards lurk in the shadows and huge herbivores, such as Elephants and Rhinos, witness the daily dramas.