Jo Grimes travelled on our 'Spain - Realm of the Iberian Lynx' holiday in 2018, and submitted this entry to our Writing Competition.

An Entry to the Naturetrek 2018 Writing Competition. Rosemary Hill relays her memorable encounter with a wolf pack experienced on our 'Yellowstone in Winter' tour.

In October 2018, Operations Manager, Tom Mabbett, led our ‘Borneo's Mammals – Deramakot Forest Reserve’ tour to Sabah, and then extended his stay to explore Tabin Wildlife Reserve and to visit Borneo Rainforest Lodge in the Danum Valley Conservation Area. Here he describes the highlights of his trip and answers some commonly-asked questions about the island and its wildlife

After last night’s episode of the Sir David Attenborough narrated series “Dynasties”, we discovered – as if we didn’t already know – that it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there in the African savannahs, and specifically the Mana Pools National Park, in Zimbabwe. In the case of the Painted Wolf, more usually known as the African Wild Dog, we learned that a daughter can be turned against her mother, so much so that she risks the lives of her entire pack in a bold, protracted and highly personal campaign to drive her away.

Last Sunday’s episode of the BBC wildlife series “Dynasties,” narrated by Sir David Attenborough, might have shattered some illusions about the life of the so-called “King of the Beasts.” Here were Lions that, rather than lording it effortlessly over all the inhabitants of Kenya’s Masai Mara, were portrayed as surprisingly vulnerable. We watched the dramatic moment that a youthful male Lion was surrounded by a pack of 20 Spotted Hyaenas and were captivated as Charm the Lioness protected her very young cubs from a herd of angry African Buffalo intent on trampling them to death.