Read about highlights from recent tours to Indonesia, Spain, Finland, Italy, and the USA.

Read about highlights from recent tours to Borneo, The Azores, Cuba, Sweden, Spain, and the UK.

We would like to encourage everyone to attend ‘The People’s Walk for Wildlife’, organised by Chris Packham. The walk is a great opportunity to show how much we love our wildlife, and the importance of its protection. It will start in Hyde Park, London at 10am on the 22nd September. You may even spot some of our staff there!

The South Luangwa National Park in south-eastern Zambia is one of Africa’s very finest wildlife sanctuaries. Watered by the Luangwa River, the park is home to African Elephants, Hippos, Lions, Leopards, Thornicroft’s Giraffes, colourful flocks of Southern Carmine Bee-eaters and a staggering diversity of other wildlife. But the area is also home to many villages and communities who depend on the park and the permanent, and predictable, waters of its river.

Uganda is an excellent country for birdlife, with over 1,000 species recorded there. This popular tour takes in some of the key wetland and forest habitats, including the Mabamba Swamp, Lake Mburo, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kibale Forest. Limited to just 7 places per departure in 2019, we explore these areas by boat, vehicle and on foot. Although mainly looking for birds, we will also make time for the mammals, reptiles and other wildlife that we encounter along the way.