We’ve combined our two Peru holidays, enabling participants to choose whether they hike to Machu Picchu, or, instead, spend 3 nights in Manu at Cock of the Rock Lodge.

This autumn, the England cricket team heads to Sri Lanka, and the prospect of watching a Test Match at the iconic Galle International Stadium as well as some first-class wildlife is enough to get the pulse racing of any wildlife and cricket lover (of whom there are several in the Naturetrek office!).

Obviously the focus of our holidays is the wildlife and natural history of the place you are visiting, but we sometimes like to explore other related themes...

We are pleased to offer berths on a number of expedition cruises to such breath-taking and awe-inspiring locations as Wrangel Island, Kamchatka & Chukotka, and the Sub-Antarctic Islands. We will travel aboard the ice-strengthened ‘Spirit of Enderby’.

Namibia proved to be a beautiful and varied country and during the two-week tour we explored many facets of this Southern African gem. In the north we enjoyed the prolific wildlife of Etosha, Namibia’s premier national park, where herds of Elephants, Giraffe, Zebra, Impala, Oryx, Springbok and many other herbivores were seen at close quarters. As for the carnivores, the highlight for many was a group of three Cheetahs gambolling around on a small hill overlooking a waterhole.