The Yellowstone and the Grand Teton National Parks comprise the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, a land of jagged peaks, deep canyons, thundering waterfalls, geothermal geysers and pools of spectral colours.

Read about highlights from recent tours to Cambodia, Sweden, the UK, Spain and Tanzania …

This monthly feature shines the spotlight on Sujan Chatterjee, who's been leading tours for us on the Indian subcontinent for over 12 years!

In some parts of the world, mammals teem over plains and grassland, or adorn the forest canopy in remarkable density and variety. Europe, however, offers a somewhat different prospect. Rarely does it provide easy viewing, but it more than makes up for this by the thrill and intensity of searching for and seeing exciting and iconic characters.

Many of us love our wildlife, but fitting in a specialist trip to enjoy birdwatching, botanising or mammal-spotting can be a challenge. That is why Naturetrek runs an increasing number of British short breaks, usually over a weekend, for an intensive but enjoyable nature fix in the countryside, ideal for our busy lives.