The following tours are guaranteed to run and still have places available.

Due to popular demand we are pleased to be able to offer additional departures for some of our fastest-selling tours.

A field full of orchids might seem like a field of distant dreams right now, with the trees still bare and the cold still raw, but the truth is that the time is drawing near to reacquaint ourselves with these most charismatic, most lustrous of flowers. In the benign soils of the Mediterranean, some species are already in bloom.

Combining two of Brazil’s most famous wildlife regions, the vast rainforest of the Amazon Basin and the open wetlands of the Pantanal, this unique 15-day tour offers the wonderful opportunity to sample two very different ecosystems and encounter an enormous variety of wildlife.

An entry to our 2020 Writing Competition, Roderick Maclean travelled on our 'The Somerset Levels' tour.